☰ CP Magazine:

Balancing Dentistry, Modeling, and Media

Meet Dr. Marwa AlBadaich, a multi-talented individual carving her path in dentistry, modeling, and media. Born in Syria and now thriving in the UAE, Marwa’s journey is a testament to determination and passion.

From graduating in Dental Surgery at the University of Sharjah to mastering Endodontics, Marwa’s educational journey laid the foundation for her career in dentistry. Yet, her fascination with healthcare and aesthetic work led her to see dentistry as both a science and an art.

Beyond dentistry, Marwa found herself drawn to modeling from a young age, inspired by the beauty and presentation in magazines and billboards. Her journey into modeling began with a love for makeup and skincare, leading to her first project and a blossoming career in the field.

Marwa’s transition into media was seamless, fueled by her passion for dentistry and presenting. Joining The Clinic Talk Show was a golden opportunity that perfectly aligned with her interests, allowing her to reach a broader audience while pursuing her dental practice.

Looking ahead, Marwa plans to continue her dedication to dentistry while expanding her reach through The Clinic Talk Show. Her motto, inspired by Bob Hawke, emphasizes the importance of prioritizing amidst life’s chaos, a philosophy she embodies in her pursuit of balance.

Balancing work and personal life, Marwa finds solace in hobbies like horse riding, language learning, and makeup experimentation. Her message to CP Magazine readers is one of embracing self-care, curiosity, and meaningful connections, embodying a life of fulfillment and passion.

Please introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Marwa. I’m a 28-year-old girl who was born and raised in Syria. I moved to UAE when I was 17 years to achieve my dreams of being a healthcare provider and seek opportunities to develop myself in a country that has so much to offer.

Tell us about your education.
I finished high school in Syria before enrolling in University of Sharjah to become a dentist. I Graduated with a bachelor’s in dental surgery then continued the journey of education to get a diploma and a mastership in Endodontics which is root canal therapy.

How did you get interested in dentistry? Who inspired you?
I was always fascinated by the hard-working healthcare professionals who made the world a better, safer place and I wanted to get on board!
The choice to become a dentist just felt right, now when I think of it, it was the only choice that combines my love for the medical field and my passion for aesthetically pleasing work.
Dentistry is an art. It revolves around health. which is the essence of beauty in any shape or form.

What is the most rewarding part of working in dentistry?
The rewarding part started when I treated my first patient, relieving them from pain and discomfort while guaranteeing that they would end up with a smile that brings them joy and changes the typical uncomfortable image that people have of dentists.

How and when did you get interested in modelling? What was your first project?
I can’t really specify a time when I developed this interest because I didn’t know what it was. Since I was a kid, I would just look at magazines and billboards and admire those people for what they’re doing. Whether modeling or presenting something, I would imagine myself in their position.
It wasn’t until this curiosity got together with my love for beauty (make up and skincare specifically) I realized I need to find an opportunity to model for the things I love.
My first project was through a friend who knew about my desire to become a make-up model at the time and introduced me to a make-up artist that was the beginning of a beautiful journey.

How did you find your way to be a presenter for The Clinic Talk Show?
Once I was surrounded by people who shared the same passion, the road was getting paved, and a dear colleague introduced me to the creator of the Clinic Talk Show.
The Clinic Talk Show was an opportunity I’ve always been looking for. Combining my love for dentistry and passion for presenting, it was a golden chance.

What are some of your plans for the rest of 2024?
In the next few months, I plan to become more dedicated to work while keeping the time management skills high, meaning that I will continue my dental practice and join as many courses and workshops as possible while going bigger with The Clinic Talk Show and reaching more people.

What is your biggest achievement so far?
When it comes to achievements in the dental field, I would say each patient/case treated successfully is a great achievement on its own.
In the media field, I definitely consider seeing myself on billboards for big brands for make-up and jewelry a great thing for me.

What is your motto in life?
There’s a lot of great ideas to live by, but what’s always on my mind is the quote by Bob Hawke “things that matter the most don’t always scream the loudest.”
Which reminds me to prioritize. Since we can’t do many things at once, we need to prioritize what is most important to us at any given moment and focus on it while maintaining balance for other aspects.

Your favourite quote(s)?
The list is long, but to keep it simple I will always choose one to express how grateful I am for everything that happened and everything that didn’t.
One of my favorites by Oprah Winfrey is “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” 

What is your beauty and fitness regime?
Beauty and health are two sides to the same coin.
My efforts in beauty start from taking care of my health, I can’t say I have the perfect eating habits but I’m trying my best, not to mention making the time for any kind of sports and being as active whenever possible.

What do you do to relax or unwind from a busy day?
To relax and unwind from the day i love a day at home in peace, sometimes reading, listening to music, journaling, watching a show or movie, spending time with loved ones, unplugging, and practicing gratitude.

What does fashion mean to you and how do you describe your personal style?
It’s a form of self-expression, a way to boost confidence and communicate identity.
When it comes to my personal style, I lean toward classic and versatile pieces with a modern twist. I love experimenting with bold colors and patterns, but I also value comfort and functionality in my choices. My wardrobe includes a mix of timeless items and trendy statement pieces, which allows me to easily switch up my look depending on the occasion.

What is your favorite travel destination and why?
My favorite travel destination is any place with breathtaking natural landscapes, such as mountains, forests, and lakes. Being surrounded by nature helps me relax and recharge.

How do you balance your personal life with your career?
I balance my personal life with my career by setting clear boundaries and prioritizing time for both work and personal activities. I schedule regular breaks and downtime, and I stay organized to manage my tasks efficiently. Additionally, I make time for hobbies, family, and friends to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

What are some of your other hobbies?
I haven’t mentioned the other hobbies yet!
Well, I love horse riding and learning languages. I had a couple of attempts in learning musical instruments which I still try whenever I’m not busy with my main hobby which is playing with make-up.

Your message for us at CP magazine.
My message for this lifestyle magazine is to embrace balance and self-care in all aspects of life. Prioritize your well-being, stay curious and open to new experiences, and cultivate meaningful connections with others. Remember that a fulfilling life involves nurturing both your mind and body while staying true to your passions.
