Our Team of Contributors
We are proud of our extremely talented team of Contributors.
Fatima Al-Jutaili

Oraib Al-Fozan
Yasmeen Bahman

Nadia AlHaroon

Yana Murash

Sana Mrad

Gill Sherry
Having enjoyed a successful 30 year career in insurance, Gill left the UK to move to Kuwait. She is now a valued member of the CityPages team where she is utilizing her editing and writing skills. In addition to her official role as Group Editor, Gill also contributes with regular interviews, features and reviews.Instagram: @gsherryq8

Latifah Al-Hazza

José Berrocoso

Jim West
By day a Cyber Security Expert, and by night an award winning author of the Magicae Mathematica series. Jim has lived in Kuwait since 2007, and is excited to be part of the CityPages team.

Fatema AlOthman

Lulwa AlKhamees

Dr. Nazia Nausheen
Dr. Nazia Nausheen is a certified medical doctor. She also holds a Masters Degree in Business, Specializing in Sales and Marketing. Readers should look forward to her regular articles on women health and other general health related issues.

Dr. Dina A.Karim Al-Shammeri
This is demo text which will be showing on the teams page