☰ CP Magazine:

“Harmony, Humanity, and Hope”

Welcome back to CityPages! We are thrilled to catch up with the dynamic duo, Sons of Yusuf, a few years after our last interview. The Kuwaiti brothers, Abdul’Rahman and Yakoob, have been making waves not only in the music scene but also in their personal lives and humanitarian efforts. Since our last chat, they have been busy balancing life between Kuwait and California, working on new music projects, and preparing for the release of their highly anticipated new album. The pandemic brought its own set of challenges, but it also opened new avenues for creativity and collaboration, leading to exciting virtual performances and fresh sounds.

In this exclusive interview, we delve into their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, their innovative virtual performances, and their inspiring new initiative focused on providing clean water to underprivileged communities around the world. Sons of Yusuf have taken up the cause of raising awareness about the global water crisis, using their music to highlight the critical issue and engage young people in the fight for clean water access. Join us as we explore the journey of Sons of Yusuf and their unwavering dedication to using music as a powerful tool for change.

Welcome back to CityPages! It’s been a few years since our last interview. How have you both been and what have you been up to during this time?
Thanks for having us back. It’s always a pleasure seeing you Jameel.
Things have been great Elhamdilah. Abdul’Rahman has two kids now mashallah, Yakoob is engaged. Life has been good, between Kuwait and California, working on different projects and getting ready for our new album.

The COVID-19 pandemic affected everyone in different ways. How did it impact your music and personal lives?
After 2020 a lot of things changed, our restaurant business got affected and we had to shut down temporarily, hopefully we’ll open back up soon. But everything has been a learning experience, we’re grateful for everything. We’ve been collaborating with different artists and producers, like Grey Fish studios here in Kuwait, LaRussel from the US. We are working on new sounds and videos, our come back will be completely new.

During the pandemic, many artists turned to virtual performances. Did you explore any new ways of connecting with your audience?
Yes, we did a few live shows online and shot two music videos during the pandemic “Staycation” and “Mashallah”. It was dope. Check them out!

Can you tell us about your new initiative focused on providing clean water to less fortunate countries? What inspired you to take on this cause?
We always wanted to raise awareness about the water crisis going on around the world and how more than 1 million people loose their lives every year because they don’t have access to clean water.. every 2 minutes a child dies from a water-related disease. We are dedicated to raising awareness about this crisis, and focusing on engaging young people worldwide through music and impactful messaging.
With 2.5 billion people lacking access to clean water, we aim to spark change by delivering a message through this campaign, by shooting a music video, going around schools talking to kids about the importance of water conservation, and basically make it cool to save water.

How did your collaboration with other artists around the world come about for this project?
Through this project, we aspire to make a meaningful difference in addressing this global issue. The song will feature two versions: one in Arabic and another in English, ensuring its message reaches a broader audience. We thought it’s only right that we collaborate with artists from around the world to maximize the songs impact and accessibility by amplifying awareness about the water crisis to audiences worldwide. So we reached out to some friends and some of our favorite artists right now. So far we have artists from Nigeria, USA and India. And we plan to do more versions of the song with local artists and from around the region.

What role do you believe music can play in raising awareness and driving change for global issues like access to clean water?
Music is powerful and I believe it’s the best way to get our message across. We want the next generation to be mindful and grateful about water. With a song that’s powerful and positive, and with the right people, we believe we can reach and influence a wide audience and help make a change. By doing concerts, events, school visits, music videos etc.

Can you share any memorable experiences or stories from your travels and interactions with communities affected by water scarcity?
We went to Egypt and sat with a family, and saw how they struggle everyday to get water cause they live near the desert. We’ve been to India and saw how kids don’t have access to clean water. Every day we’re watching what is happening to Palestinians because of the blockade. We feel like we all have a role and we all can make a difference specially if we work together. Studies show that by 2050 the water crisis is expected to have major impacts globally if significant changes are not made.

How do you balance your music career with your humanitarian efforts?
This is why we make music. We don’t see our selves part of the music industry, we don’t compare ourselves to other musicians, we’re always in touch with people that want to do Humanitarian efforts and make a change. That’s what it’s all about. That’s just who we are. And we understand the power of music and media and influence.

What challenges have you faced in launching and promoting your clean water initiative, and how have you overcome them?
We still haven’t started officially, you are one of the first people to know about this campaign. We just want to make sure we get the right people together so we can start promoting it all year. But we are having fun with it and we have some cool people onboard so far. We can’t wait to start this project.

Are there any specific songs or lyrics from your recent work that address the issue of clean water? Can you share some insights into their creation?
We might have addressed it here and there in previous projects or interviews, but this new song is all about the water. The music is produced by our good friend Khalid Mansour from Grey Fish Studios. As soon as we heard the beat it inspired us to write about the water.

Who are some of the artists you’ve collaborated with for this project, and what has it been like working with them?
We still haven’t announced that yet. We prefer to keep it a surprise with the release of the song. But we have artists from different parts of the world and it’s one of our favorite songs right now. But we will send you the song as soon as possible!

What impact do you hope to achieve with your clean water initiative, both in the short term and long term?
We just want the next generation to be more aware of what’s going on around thew world. Most of us take water for granted these days. We want the youth to be mindful and thankful that we have clean water, and to help people in need and help make a difference. We don’t want to waste water. We hope to live in a better and more sustainable world and aim to make an impact with the youth.

Have you partnered with any organizations or NGOs to support your clean water efforts? If so, how are they contributing to the cause?
We have been trying to reach out to different organizations and NGOs for a while now, but things have been on hold, so we thought we’ll start this campaign ourselves and hopefully the right people will come hopefully by doing interviews like this. We talked to more than 300 kids in Kuwait camp this summer (K Camp). It was incredible.

The kids get it, they love it, and it was a great start for the campaign. We plan to go around the region and keep pushing this message.

How can your fans and the general public get involved or support your clean water initiative?
By spreading the word. Conserving water at home. Using water wisely. Participating and donating. Educate your kids, your loved ones. Companies and governments need to implement water saving technologies. Reduce pollution. Do your research, reach out to people. Adopt sustainability practices in schools and businesses. Lets work.

Looking back at your musical journey, how do you feel you’ve evolved as artists and individuals since our last interview?
We have a record company now, Astrolab Records, with our partner Mike Chav. Also we started our own publishing company ‘Run The Dinars’. We’re not looking back any more we’re just looking forward and we feel like we’re just getting started all over again. Things are changing so fast these days, we want to be better people and keep building and aiming for change and peace and love around the world.

Again, this is why we do what we do, we want to keep inspiring the youth, the artists and businesses in the region.

What new projects or music releases can fans look forward to in the coming months?
We recently dropped ‘MADRASA’ music video directed by our friend Yousef Almeer. We also released a single called ‘Unapologetically Kuwaiti’. And we have another video dropping soon that we shot in Sharjah with ‘Shurouq’. This one is really special we can’t wait to release it. We will start promoting and talking about the Sharjah campaign really soon, so stay tuned.

Can you tell us about any upcoming tours or live performances, especially those linked to your clean water campaign?
Yes, we plan on doing a tour with other artists to promote the water campaign in the region and then hopefully other parts of the world.

What message do you want to send to your fans and the world through your music and humanitarian work?
We all have more things in common than differences. Keep following your dreams. Keep God first. Be good to your family. Stop all racism.

How do you stay motivated and inspired to create music and drive change, even in the face of global challenges?
We don’t force anything. The world is our inspiration, anything can inspire us. We’re always at work and in work-mode. Don’t let anything stop you. Stay hungry. Be humble. Get creative. Be persistent.

Finally, what are your hopes for the future, both for Sons of Yusuf and for the world in terms of access to clean water?
We want the next generation to be more aware, and more at peace. No more wars. No more suffering. Better education. Better food. More clean water. Spread more love and good energy. We love you. Thank you for being with us on this journey.
